Yamaha SX-900B (Natural Wood, 1977)

Here we have a well preserved Yamaha SX-900B – “The Devils Head” , 1976, in natural wood finish. This guitar belongs to the now discontinued Yamaha SX series, also known as the “Devil Heads” series, due to its distinct angular features. These guitars are quite rare, and although they were made primarily for the domestic market, even in Japan they are rare. Initial production started in 1974 alongside the Yamaha SG range; The Yamaha SX-900B is the top of the range of the series and like its sibling the SX-800B, sports 3 independent single coil, high output pick ups that can be engaged with a 3-way pick up selector switch. The construction materials varied between the A and B versions. The B version was made out of Maple and Japanese Ash (Sen) for the body and the neck was built from ash with an ebony board.